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NZ Native Flower

"Relax and Unwind"
Hi, I'm Angela a Reiki Practitioner (Japanese healing art)
and NZ Native Flower Essence Practitioner
(Natural, effective, non invasive, take home).
These can support you 
on many levels -
from reducing stress to symptom relief  

to improving overall health and wellbeing,
easing you gently back to your true self -
Call or text for your personal appointment



relaxing | effective | non-invasive


I love working with natural modalities to help make other peoples lives the best they can be, in the least invasive way.  Promoting your bodies healing process and quality of life.


Relaxing and enjoyable sessions aimed at treating you to a wonderful experience that will take you away from the world and transport you to a place of ease and bliss.


Saturday 9am - 2pm


Monday to Friday and Sunday by appointment



North Shore



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